Bullet Journaling for Weight Loss

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Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

It’s a new year, and if you’re anything like me, you’re looking forward to your future goals and hoping that this will be the year you stay on track. Lucky for me I have a secret weapon – my bullet journal! I decided to try Bullet Journaling for Weight Loss, and I’ve gotta tell you I am excited! When it comes to keeping accountable, I think this is such a wonderful system. Bullet journaling for weight loss has really helped me to visualize my goals in ways I couldn’t do before. It’s seriously more than a hobby – it’s a way of life! Too much? Sorry about that.

I thought I’d go ahead and share my Bullet Journaling for Weight Loss spreads with you so you can see exactly what I’m doing to stay on top of this particular goal. I think I’m going to combine this with my Bullet Journal Fitness Tracker from last year to have a fully comprehensive health tracker. It is going to be awesome!

I also did a video walk-through of this spread and talked about it more in depth. So feel free to watch that below.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

So the obvious first place to start is a weight loss tracker. I decided to make mine a sort of game board, mapping out every pound I want to lose. I actually had a goal of 60 lbs, but I put on a bit over Christmas (woops!) and upped it to 63 lbs. I also wanted to add some interest, so for every five lbs I lose, I wrote what the equivalent weight was. For instance – 5 lbs is a whole chihuahua! You can find out your own equivalents by using this site, which will give you an equivalent for every pound you lose.

For reference, mine are as follows:

5 lbs – a whole chihuahua
10 lbs – 1,814 pennies
15 lbs – 10 dozen (120) eggs
20 lbs – a car tire!
25 lbs – an average 2 year old
30 lbs – the amount of cheese eaten by the average person in a year!
35 lbs – 140 Quarter Pounders (WHAT?!)
40 lbs – 15 foot canoe
45 lbs – a bench press bar
50 lbs – a small bale of hay
55 lbs – 5000 BTU air conditioner
60 lbs – 5 wiener dogs!

So yes, I love this tracker and think it’ll be very fun to tell people what I’ve lost in something other than pounds.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

I also wanted to track more than weight since it can fluctuate so much. Inches are always a better indication of how you’re doing, so on January 1st, I got out my measuring tape and measured my various body parts. It’s fairly embarrassing, and I definitely don’t have an hourglass figure, but it’s my starting point. I also noted my clothing size and weight. Eep! I plan to add in an inches tracker so I can measure periodically. But I haven’t decided if I want to do it weekly or monthly or somewhere in between. Once I decide that, I can add that in. For now, this page will be my starting stats and final ending stats.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

I want to also focus on my conditioning. My whole life, I’ve NEVER EVER been able to run for more than about 30 seconds. It just doesn’t work. I am woefully inadequate. If I was being chased by an axe murderer or a zombie, I would be dead in mere minutes. I just can’t do it. But I have tried the couch to 5k program a few times (and by tried – I mean I did the first run, swore loudly and vowed never to do it again) and figure it is a good way to train. I’d like to do some 5k races this year, so if I can actually RUN for more than half a minute, I may actually enjoy it!

Above is my Couch to 5K program. It’s not pretty… I kind of let my kids “help” and they started coloring in odd places, so I went with it. But you can see what it’s all about.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss
Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

In addition to the Couch to 5K program, I also want to do a 30 day challenge each month. So I found a few online and will add more as I go. Squats, crunches, push ups, planking… hopefully it’ll all be adding to my fitness as I go. We shall see!

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

I also created an actual weight loss tracker to focus on actual weight rather than weight lost. Once a week, I will weigh in and then chart the result. Hopefully over the course of the year, it will continue to go down, down, down. I imagine there will be a few upswings when things get tough, but I know I can do it if I focus. And this is a beautiful visual.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

Food is also a consideration. I generally live on my Daily Harvest soups and smoothies, but it’s a good idea to have healthy snack options on hand. I am adding 100-calorie or less items to my list so I can keep on track.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss
Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

I wanted to keep a log of my cardio training, as well as strength training so I can monitor my progress. You can hear more about my intentions for these spreads in the video, but suffice to say that I’ll be trying to keep improving with either distance, time, or weight each and every day.

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

My favorite page is my weight loss rewards page, where I have gone and decided on some rewards for each 5 lbs lost. Ultimately, once I’ve got down to the size I want, I would like to get a tummy tuck. Three pregnancies were not nice to my belly, and when I lose weight, it’s going to exacerbate the problem. So as a final reward for my hard work, my husband has agreed that I can get a tummy tuck. WOO YAY!

Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

Finally, I created a little meal planning page. Again, trying to focus on healthy options, I can refer to my 100 calorie foods to add items to a shopping list and meter them out throughout the week.

All in all, I am really happy with this part of my planner. I think there is enough to keep me motivated and accountable for each day, week, month and the whole year! As time goes on, I’ll also be able to see patterns emerging and hopefully understand my eating habits/exercise habits a little better. Here’s hoping!

What do you think? Is this something you would use? Should I create printables to make this easier? Let me know!

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